
Showing posts from January, 2019

Definition of Rhetoric #1

The term rhetoric was not usually something that I paid attention to in everyday life, I had an assumption of what it could possibly mean but never truly understood the concept of what rhetoric was. I knew that it had to do with persuasion but never did I know that it was often used in everyday life. I saw Rhetoric as something only used in school, more focused on solely in English classes but I did not know that rhetoric was always used in politics which is where rhetoric is actually very commonly used. I knew the definition that we can find online but never knew that it can be something that is practiced so commonly. I see how easily rhetoric is used in politics, especially today and how influential someone can be by using the right words, but it isn’t just words that are used but also emotion and there’s rhetorical ecology that involves so much more than words but it involves other elements to partake in this process. There’s a community, audience, and a whole purpose behind what yo